Virtual UCF Arboretum
I worked as an Undergrad Research Assistant and Lead Environment Artist in the Harrington Lab directed by Dr. Maria Harrington on the Virtual UCF Arboretum project at the University of Central Florida. The goal of this project is to create a free, virtual nature model in which both students and the public can learn about Florida's wildflowers and engage in a beautiful, scientifically accurate VR experience. It also serves as a research project to develop and improve upon digital media practices for creating educational material.

My personal involvement with the project was creating low-poly 3D models of plants found in the UCF Arboretum and using data gathered from the GIS database and drone imagery to accurately populate the level in Unreal.
I used actual plant photographs and measurements taken at the Arboretum and collaborated with the Arboretum botanists and biologists to ensure that each plant was scientifically accurate. With plant density data and photographs, I populated our level using a combination of procedural and meticulously hand-placed methods in order to achieve a look that was both true to the data and followed actual plant growth patterns.
The project's publication is in progress and it is expected to be on Steam in standard format and VR in 2018.